Putins admission of the numbers of Russian losses surprised me. He must be very confident in support for the war to admit 10k a month's in total casualties.
If he is willing to confirm those kinds of numbers then it's clear recruitment is well ahead of those figures and Russia is building combat power continuously. It also seems Putin does not see an end anytime soon, still I feel the war grows short. Once Trump gets in and in Europe various right wing populists embed in parliament there will be a change in war policy, it will literally be supported only by the ex soviet/warpac states and Britain, and they will quickly fold when Trump glares at them. If we can avoid an escalation spiral before November then new possibilities will open.
Yes, it was interesting that Putin said the casualties were 5:1 in Russia's favor when that is exactly what Ukraine needs them to be in their favor, due to Russia's population being roughly five times larger.
Trump is surrounded by more realistic thinkers who see China as the bigger threat. And so he may indeed try to shut the war down if he wins. I think must Europeans are sick of it. Obviously the Baltics and Poland are scared--they should be!!
Putins admission of the numbers of Russian losses surprised me. He must be very confident in support for the war to admit 10k a month's in total casualties.
If he is willing to confirm those kinds of numbers then it's clear recruitment is well ahead of those figures and Russia is building combat power continuously. It also seems Putin does not see an end anytime soon, still I feel the war grows short. Once Trump gets in and in Europe various right wing populists embed in parliament there will be a change in war policy, it will literally be supported only by the ex soviet/warpac states and Britain, and they will quickly fold when Trump glares at them. If we can avoid an escalation spiral before November then new possibilities will open.
Yes, it was interesting that Putin said the casualties were 5:1 in Russia's favor when that is exactly what Ukraine needs them to be in their favor, due to Russia's population being roughly five times larger.
Trump is surrounded by more realistic thinkers who see China as the bigger threat. And so he may indeed try to shut the war down if he wins. I think must Europeans are sick of it. Obviously the Baltics and Poland are scared--they should be!!