History as a grinding conflict of two brain typologies: primal Hunters with ADHD tendencies being slowly being replaced by autistic-leaning Farmers. Ukraine impulsively turns Hunter by invading Russia
How timely. Our twins were recently diagnosed with adhd. I swiftly declined the medication recommendation. I had tears coming out as I listened to the potential side effects. Now way we’re doing that.
Thanks for showing the book - ordered it already. Look forward to r reading it.
I have so many friends who are going through the same thing with their children. For years teachers thought my youngest son was adhd but we finally had him tested and he was not. I would not have given him the medication even if he had it. The author of that book Thom Hartmann has been on many podcasts that you can find on YouTube discussing this issue. It seems most people agree that medication is only necessary in extreme cases. Medication is like a sledge hammer while the issues can usually be dealt with by more modest and healthy methods. I found the follow video by Andrew Huberman extremely useful for understanding the basics of adhd. He says it is a dopamine regulation problem. One positive impact of the proliferation of cases is that schools have hopefully developed programs and methods for providing a learning environment more suited to adhd.
thought... Scandinavia has higher fraction of hunter-gatherer ancestry than the rest of Europe, but also the highest coffee consumption in the world. People with ADHD self-medicate with coffee to focus ...
I lived in Sweden for a few years and my limited impression was that they tended towards the Farmer/autistic end of the spectrum. That just may be a reflection of the social groups I met. Obviously Vikings were much more on the Hunter end of the scale. They certainly do love their coffee though. Here's an article that discusses these issues. There certainly would have been intermixing so when they talk about farmers wiping out the hunters this is never 100% and there is always interbreeding.
How timely. Our twins were recently diagnosed with adhd. I swiftly declined the medication recommendation. I had tears coming out as I listened to the potential side effects. Now way we’re doing that.
Thanks for showing the book - ordered it already. Look forward to r reading it.
I have so many friends who are going through the same thing with their children. For years teachers thought my youngest son was adhd but we finally had him tested and he was not. I would not have given him the medication even if he had it. The author of that book Thom Hartmann has been on many podcasts that you can find on YouTube discussing this issue. It seems most people agree that medication is only necessary in extreme cases. Medication is like a sledge hammer while the issues can usually be dealt with by more modest and healthy methods. I found the follow video by Andrew Huberman extremely useful for understanding the basics of adhd. He says it is a dopamine regulation problem. One positive impact of the proliferation of cases is that schools have hopefully developed programs and methods for providing a learning environment more suited to adhd.
thought... Scandinavia has higher fraction of hunter-gatherer ancestry than the rest of Europe, but also the highest coffee consumption in the world. People with ADHD self-medicate with coffee to focus ...
I lived in Sweden for a few years and my limited impression was that they tended towards the Farmer/autistic end of the spectrum. That just may be a reflection of the social groups I met. Obviously Vikings were much more on the Hunter end of the scale. They certainly do love their coffee though. Here's an article that discusses these issues. There certainly would have been intermixing so when they talk about farmers wiping out the hunters this is never 100% and there is always interbreeding.
Interesting take. Liked and subscribed.
Thank you!!
Thank you. Thank you so much.